Invest in America:
Stop sending trillions to Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc...
(Three trillion plus at this point) Instead, invest these funds in
rebuilding highways, bridges, ports, railroads, electrical grids,
and other infrastructure. Basic, common sense investment,
which creates jobs and funds the necessary human services we
must provide for our people.
Effective education:
Schools run by teaching professionals instead of having curriculum
and texts selected by the local McDonalds franchise owner.
Adequate Health care:
Universal Public health care for the people, just like every other nation
on the planet. (Instead of allowing insurance executives to bankrupt the nation.)
Jobs with Justice:
Create jobs at home instead of shipping them overseas.
Stop sending trillions to Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc...
(Three trillion plus at this point) Instead, invest these funds in
rebuilding highways, bridges, ports, railroads, electrical grids,
and other infrastructure. Basic, common sense investment,
which creates jobs and funds the necessary human services we
must provide for our people.
Effective education:
Schools run by teaching professionals instead of having curriculum
and texts selected by the local McDonalds franchise owner.
Adequate Health care:
Universal Public health care for the people, just like every other nation
on the planet. (Instead of allowing insurance executives to bankrupt the nation.)
Jobs with Justice:
Create jobs at home instead of shipping them overseas.
yes ... and here's a bit of a soundtrack (as a short preview__):
yet, there again, how do you keep this soundtrack from accompanying
the chickens when they come home to roost, after the notion of "our people" ... indeed the very ideas of such "peoples"...have, completely, and endlessly, been so corrupted that we are nothing but the more combined black holes amidst the black space twixt the endless stars ... paying more heavily for the goals of our endeavors translated into linguistic depiction, goals that also weigh as much to the weight of the Earth ... and who will birth the enterprise of evolution ... if such freedom to abuse the state of affairs presently current for the "capitalization-development-methods" of colonizing the planet exists upon the draw to send more arrows hitting upon these small, precocious and precious, unique and rare, artful graces given broadcast-circuit as evidenced by a usage of the internet? ... seems, from youtube accessibility, that the news portrayed gives the evidence to recognizable organizations such as Doctors without Borders...but damn kids, hobbits: ---- the same complaints, helplessly listed upon a comment page ... can accompany the blindness filmed for broadcast throughout Africa's many "countries" by Vice News and BBC news.
Know your death when its dead, yet move yourselves to sleep, y'all ... you know, mon: "...'cause..."
-japhy tolkien