Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cutting Social Services to Pay for Corporate Wars....

7-9 Trillion spent on bailing out the banks.
Maybe this is part of why we are broke.  
I guess now congress will tell us we have to
cut Social Security Benefits, school funding,
health care funding,  and funding for jobs to
pay for all that corporate welfare. 
But something sounds very wrong. 

How will poor, stupid, sick, and unemployed
citizens help secure the peace and rebuild
the economy? Instead we could stop funding
corporate contractors overseas, quit misusing our
troops in corporate profiteering, and bring our
people home to help rebuild America. 
But this makes entirely too much sense
for congress to listen.

They only listen when we camp out in
front of city hall, march, rally,
and raise a ruckus.

So I guess we will be back.      

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Schwebke
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 3:28 pm
Subject: [Issues] FOCUS: Bailout Was Really $7.77 Trillion
To: 'Discussions of political issues and topics'

1 comment:

  1. they??! ... and, praytell, to the excited and curious: how ubiquitous is this result you mention when coalescence of the endeavor's effects secures guarantee(s)>>?>> and is their any continuum given a respect whereof your protests publicly give their regards for to enliven the once similar-enthusiasm amidst historic protests >> ie.: collection plates circulated for member/organization stata from the American Indian Movement .... donations requests made for to supplement Haiti's nation for the historic incursions upon their liberation/protesting-engagement/national-deformation-from-without-the-country .... where was everyone when a historic -- truly, the only, historic -- opportunity to elect a nominated Lady to Presidency was accompanied by an Uncle Tom who smokes Marlboros ... in church with a tupac shakur song pumpin into their earbuds, or tupac shirts on their little children, or some other form of fascio-capitalist-materialism prevalent among the strained consistency of ignorance that continues the broader "religious delusion" ...
    but, honestly, what chance .. on and over and in the entire planet ... are we to assume you are discussing relating to this "ruckus method"? ---most of the black liberation army (c. "ooh", voiced musically by a fine sopranic, youthful vocalist accompanying any history-readings from wikipedia or books on the subject) was terrorized, murdered, and fed through the meat-grinding-machine-of-"blind"-justice ... and back then, during the Panthers' era, much of those populaces were exactly what you just described ... over half a century later though ... and back then: they also lived "camping out" (c. Cherokee Wilma Pearl Mankiller's story), whether on the Rez or in sharing the effects of a half-a-century of ghetto and substandard community government (state, local, and federal, etc., pfffff.....). And I'll tell you what ... not only are these guys sayin just as much as the 12:55 AM comment, but they're making money at it sometimes, as well as participating in survivalist/politically-righteous methods of civility/civil-disobedience/fund-raising ------ here's the preview of money-making:

    so..i guess...really:

    ..anything amiss? ...
